The Devil Wears Prada is a best selling novel by Lauren Weisberger about a young woman who, freshly graduated from college, is hired as a personal assistant to a powerful fashion magazine editor, a job that becomes hellish as she struggles to keep up with her boss's capricious and demeaning requests.
The plot of the book tells about Andy Sachs's live, who is a naive young girl who moves to New York with her boyfriend in order to make her break in the world of journalism. However, it isn't as easy as she thought. Andy suffers some failures and thinks that her dream is not real. But suddenly he starts working as an assistant to the editor of one of the world’s biggest fashion magazines. Andy soon discovers that the job is really hard. She is disappointed with world of fashion. The plot continues and shows how Andy changes. Now she is another person. Andy wears fashion clothes and doesn't understand her old frieds and boyfriend. She lives in her new world and she likes it. In the end, she understands that her behaviour was really bad. She finds her right place in the world, makes peace with her friends and wins heart of her insensible boss.
I think that this book is very realistic. "The Devil Wears Prada" shows how difficult to work nowadays and to score a success. Most importantly, this book shows that first of all you should think about who you really are. It is a modern story with happy ending.
In conclusion it should be said that "The Devil Wears Prada" makes you think. It speaks to people of all ages. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes interesting life stories.
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